

 Mobile dealers and members of Ahmedabad Mobile Dealer's Association hold placards as they protest against online shopping platform Amazon outside their closed mobile shops in Ahmedabad on January 15, 2020

Bezos made the announcement on a visit to India, where he was met with protests by small-business owners from around the country.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 47


H.R.2123 - United States-India Enhanced Cooperation Act of 2019   December 2019 08:55 AM

 India possesses both nuclear weapons and extensive nuclear fuel cycle capabilities. India tested its first nuclear device in May 1974, and remains outside both the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT)

This bill adjusts India's status, for the purposes of various restrictions and requirements related to the transfer of defense articles and services, so that it is similar to the status of U.S. allies such as Australia and Japan.

Under current law, the President must notify Congress of the proposed transfer of certain defense articles or services to another country, and Congress typically has 30 days to pass a joint resolution to block the transfer. The bill specifies that such transfers to India are subject to only a 15-day window for Congress to block the transfer. The bill also authorizes the President to (1) reduce or waive certain administrative and research costs related to the sale of defense articles or services to India; and (2) provide to India services related to the transfer of defense articles or services, such as quality inspection, without charge.

The bill expands existing annual reporting requirements relating to the U.S.-India defense partnership to include a description of the progress made in implementing existing agreements between the two countries, including the Defense Technology and Trade Initiative.


 The Simla Agreement signed by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto of Pakistan on 2nd July 1972 was much more than a peace treaty seeking to reverse the consequences of the 1971 war 

UN has to step in to this crisis because human right abuse in violation of international law, by unchecked by international community and ongoing , It is worse than UN managemant.

We have a sizeable population of Rohingyas here. They have to go,” Singh said. A government estimate puts the number of Rohingyas living in Jammu and Kashmir at 5,700 while a 2017 estimate by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) suggests a figure of 7,000.Jan 3, 2020

Since the Simla Agreement of 1972, India has adopted a non-recognition policy towards third parties in their bilateral exchanges with Pakistan over the question regarding the state of Jammu and Kashmir. The military authorities of Pakistan have continued to lodge alleged ceasefire violations complaints with UNMOGIP. The military authorities of India have lodged no complaints since January 1972 limiting the activities of the UN observers on the Indian-administered side of the Line of Control, though they continue to provide necessary security, transport and other services to UNMOGIP.

Srinagar: Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Friday asked Indian police and paramilitary forces to stop using pellet-firing guns in Kashmir as they cause ‘grievous injuries’.

“Time and again, Indian law enforcement’s use of shotguns in Kashmir has resulted in shocking, grievous injuries of protesters and bystanders,” said Meenakshi Ganguly, South Asia director at HRW. “Indian authorities need to recognise that this weapon fired into crowds, even with violent demonstrators, will invariably cause indiscriminate and excessive injury in violation of international standards.”

The United Nations (UN) High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) released a report titled, ‘Report on Situation of Human Rights in Kashmir‘ and pointed out the gross violation of human rights of Kashmiris perpetuated by Indian forces operating in the valley.



 India's prime minister said on Saturday his country has done well in containing the coronavirus pandemic and announced $1.46 trillion worth of infrastructure projects to boost the sagging economy.  16 Aug 2020


India to test-fire 3,500 km range K-4 nuclear missile from underwater platform Friday

The missile system is being developed by the DRDO for the Arihant class nuclear submarines which are being built by India. These submarines would be the mainstay of India's nuclear triad.



v India recorded more than 90,000 new cases of Covid-19 in the past 24 hour

India Approves Purchase of 33 Russian Fighter Jets

  Staff Writer with AFP July 3, 2020

We have a sizeable population of Rohingyas here. They have to go,” Singh said. A government estimate puts the number of Rohingyas living in Jammu and Kashmir at 5,700 while a 2017 estimate by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) suggests a figure of 7,000.Jan 3, 2020

India becomes second worst hit country by Covid

Russian opposition leader hospitalized after suspected poisoning


 Tech giant Amazon is taking additional steps to abandon Seattle, choosing not to renew its lease for the top eight floors of an office building in South Lake Union. The space reportedly totals over 180,000 square feet. An Amazon source tells the Jason Rantz Show of the decision to abandon the space at 2201 Westlake.

Amazon opens its largest campus in the world in Hyderabad

  • The new campus is the only one owned by Amazon outside the US and will house more than 15,000 employees
  • The move is part of Amazon’s expansion plans in India, where retail markets are still to a large extent driven by traditional neighbourhood stores


