A Russian vehicle sideswiped a U.S. MRAP






 An official from the US National Security Council acknowledged on Wednesday that a day prior there had been a vehicle collision between Russian and American forces in eastern Syria.

 Turkey declared safe zone without UN vote and resolution.
Now Syria has violated UN law with chemical weapons but this invasion issue is clear that Turkey has violated UN resolution.

 Erdogan: Turkey has no choice but set up Syria 'safe zone' alone..... The principle under international law ...."territorial integrity or political independence" of another state. Article 2(4) of the UN Charter.

"We stress that the Turkish unilateral actions, in particular in the Eastern Mediterranean, which run counter to EU interest, to the sovereign rights of EU member states and to international law, must come to an end," the bloc's foreign policy chief Josep Borrell told reporters after meeting with the EU ministers in Brussels.



 “For the implementation of the safe zone, it was reiterated that Turkey expects the sides to the agreements to complete withdrawal of terrorists from the areas including Tal Rifaat and Manbij,” the National Security Council (MGK) said in a statement.



 (20 Dec 2018) Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi slammed President Donald Trump for Wednesday's unexpected decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria. (Dec. 20)


Pelosi: Trump had 'meltdown' during White House Syria meeting

 FOX NEWS = Donald Trump,Infowars(Alex Jones)


Syria's 'de-escalation zones' explained

Deal signed by Russia,Turkey and Iran calls for end to hostilities between rebel and government forces in four regions.


A Russian vehicle sideswiped a U.S. MRAP in a violent confrontation deep inside the Eastern Syria Donconfliction Zone, where Russian troops are not expected to be operating. Four U.S. troops suffered concussions. Officials from both countries are discussing the incident.

  The Turkish government insists the YPG is an extension of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), which has fought for Kurdish autonomy in Turkey since 1984 and is designated as a terrorist group by the US and EU.
Mr Erdogan has maintained the offensive will only end when his planned "safe zone" is cleared of Kurdish forces.
Critics of the Trump administration say the withdrawal of US troops from the region gave Turkey a "green light" for the offensive

Over 1.5 million refugee children from Syria are living in Turkey - many in settlements where their parents work on farms. Credit: Diego Cupolo


Russia Strengthens Its Grip On Syrian Oil

 The two oil exploration contracts announced last week for two (barely known) Russian firms - Mercury, and Velada - were approved by Syria’s parliament earlier this year and cover exploration and production in three blocks including an oilfield in northeast Syria and a gas field north of the capital Damascus.



 In Senate testimony last week, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo confirmed that the United States had approved a deal between the Syrian Kurds and the American company Delta Crescent Energy to develop oil fields in northern Syria. There are many problems with this deal, but the most troubling for Americans is that it increases the risk to our national security while providing no tangible benefit.
