Biden accuses 'weak' Trump of stoking violence


  "law and order" but,  All states require that anyone wishing to practice medicine as a physician must first obtain a state license to do so. Without such a license, anyone practicing medicine in the state commits a crime.

Actually falling very steadily and fast. Deaths and hospitalizations way down, and even cases down despite far more Testing than any other country in the World, by far. India secon
 Just left the Irwin County Detention Center. After hearing from women who were sent to the same doctor, it's clear they were having unnecessary medical procedures done to them without their knowledge or consent. This is horrendous.

We're not going to stop investigating this.

H.R.748 — 116th Congress (2019-2020)


DELRAY BEACH, FLa. — A new report details multiple instances of President Donald Trump making disparaging remarks about members of the U.S. military who have been captured or killed, including referring to the American war dead at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018 as “losers” and “suckers.”

A look back, remembering the life of Arizona senator and Vietnam War hero John McCain and his profound dedication to the United States

 President Donald Trump participates in a Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery to commemorate Memorial Day, and honor those who have died while serving in the US Armed Forces on May 25, 2020 in Arlington, Virginia.

 President Donald Trump: (00:21)
I stand before you at this noble fortress of American liberty to pay tribute to the immortal souls who fought and died to keep us free.


Trump says being president has cost him $2 billion to $5 billion, 

Foreign Investors Were Big Winners From Trump’s Tax Law,President tax law does not exist, congress h

H.R.957 - Tax Cuts and Jobs Middle Class Enhancement Act116th Congress (2019-2020) | 

In order aspass into the laws. then president has to sgin the bill.


Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden spoke in Pittsburgh’s Hazelwood neighborhood on Monday afternoon, but a large crowd didn’t show up to greet him.

 Presidencial campain is not about money and actually presisent trump dismatled mail sorting machine to block fairness in election vo



US election 2020: Bloomberg donates $100m for Biden in Florid

"Mike Bloomberg is committed to helping defeat Trump, and that is going to happen in the battleground states," Kevin Sheekey, an adviser to Mr Bloomberg, told Reuters.

In a tweet, Donald Trump reacted by criticising Mr Bloomberg's own run to become the Democratic candidate for president in which he reportedly spent $409m (£313m).

Adam Schif

The law prohibits using taxpayer resources to promote a campaign. Period.   Breaking the law should never be a “model."   Upholding, cherishing and strengthening the rule of law should be.   Trump has nothing but disdain for democratic values. It will be up to us to restore them.


Make no mistake: President Trump is working to defund Social Security.

Senate Democrats are fighting to stop it.

— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) September 2, 2020

 President is a executive officer and no authority of law maker, he is to execute law congress has


US presidential candidate Joe Biden has accused Donald Trump of being a "weak" and "toxic" leader who has "fomented" violence in the country.

Speaking in the battleground state of Pennsylvania, Mr Biden said the US was facing multiple crises, which "under Donald Trump, keep multiplying".

The Democrat's comments came amid sharp tensions between the rival candidates over unrest in US cities.

Mr Trump has made "law and order" a major theme of his campaign.

The two candidates have in recent days been trading insults over clashes in Portland, Oregon. A man linked to a right-wing group was shot dead there on Saturday, as elsewhere in the city a pro-Trump rally clashed with Black Lives Matter protesters.

Portland has become a flashpoint for demonstrations against police brutality and racism since the police killing of African-American man George Floyd in Minneapolis on 25 May triggered a wave of national and international outrage.

Mr Trump is set to visit the city of Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Tuesday amid anger there over the police shooting of black man Jacob Blake.

A teenager has been charged with killing two protesters during the unrest last week. His lawyers said he would fight the charges on the grounds of self-defence.

Media caption One dead in Portland shooting

In his speech in Pittsburgh on Monday, Mr Biden said the president "long ago forfeited any moral leadership in this country".

"He can't stop the violence - because for years he has fomented it," he told supporters, adding: "We need justice in America. And we need safety in America. We are facing multiple crises - crises that, under Donald Trump, keep multiplying."

"Does anyone believe there will be less violence in America if Donald Trump is re-elected?" he asked.

 Article 1, Section 8 says that [The Congress shall have the power] to establish Post Offices and Post Roads.

Which makes president can not dismantle USPS.

Nancy Pelosi holds press conference on Postal Service

 Also post master committed crimes under President Trump

"Law and Order".

Article I, Section 2, Clause 5:

The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

 Pelosi accused Trump of betraying his oath of office, U.S. national security, and the integrity of the country's elections. The six committees charged with the task are those on Financial Services, the Judiciary, Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, Oversight and Reform, and Ways and Means.

 President Trump"They leaked the information ... and what's even worse, they leaked the wrong information and we got tired of it,”


Director of National Intelligence ... no longer provide briefings to Members of Congress. 



I can do what ever I want from article 2 ,but it is not.

President power is limited by constitution as executive officer of United States.

President has mental problem, because It is phony constitution anyway, his intelligence is incompetent.
Quote Tweet
Donald J. Trump
LAW & ORDER!            
Three United States presidents have been impeached: Andrew Johnson in 1868, Bill Clinton in 1998, and Donald Trump in 2019.

       "I am not a doctor, (I am a lier) but I can do anything I want from article 2"

       All states require that anyone wishing to practice medicine as a physician must first obtain a state license to do so. Without such a license, anyone practicing medicine in the state commits a crime.

 Trump Retweeted

"We must strictly and fully enforce our law and have no tolerance for anarchy and no tolerance-ZERO-for violence. Anyone who breaks the law should be arrested, prosecuted, and punished."


Americans are poisoning themselves after President Donald Trump speculated about using disinfectants to cure coronavirus. Caryn Ceolin with why Canada is also issuing warnings regarding Trump’s suggested COVID-19 treatments


Adam Schiff
Anatomy of a Trump smear: Trump makes a false claim without evidence. Right wing outlets promote it. The media legitimize it by asking for comment. Then Trump targets someone else. Meanwhile all the attacks distract the public from the fact: Over 180,000 Americans have died.
 Portland Police Union President Daryl Turner spoke at  press conference on Wed., July 8, 2020. Turner expressed no confidence in Portland's City Council on a myriad of issues related to the protests that have taken place in the city since late May. Dave Killen / StaffThe Oregonian
I have seen some kids burnt mattress . But this police officer is dictating city council and act police alone. also Trump spurns Dems on universal background checks  Sep 16, 2019 - Trump's position on the House-passed bill,The White House issued a veto threat against the bill in February
 Seattle mayor to veto City Council’s cuts to police, budget.
Turner to say no confidence on city council vote, but it is not his job,he is a law enforcement.
 Where the "pandemic" money comes from? To cause pandemic in Portland......

Biden accused Trump of fomenting violence. Trump spent the rest of the day proving him right.

 I know there is ongoing prison jail business, $250- /person/day in 1997. Jail gets from  government. That is I had haerd in LA la county jail 

So almost everybody is having jail sentence at that time,  I have heard.


Biden Touts Prison Reform Plan in Kenosha


During a CBS News interview, the Republican president was asked why black people were still dying at the hands of law enforcement.

"And so are white people, so are white people. What a terrible question to ask. So are white people. More white people, by the way. More white people," Mr Trump responded

."Trump's racism is so absolute that he continues to refuse to give even a tacit acknowledgment to the epidemic of police violence against black people in America," he said.




 Under the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, the powers not delegated to the Federal Government are reserved to the states or to the people. ... Police power is exercised by the legislative and executive branches of the various states through the enactment and enforcement of laws.

The president not only refuses to condemn right-wing violence — he actively defends it.

This is a crime by federal authority to invade local governments.

A president is a execute officer of United States.  Not police chief obviously.

                                A dictator from federal government  with his phony constitution.
                                 And bleach injection, no license for doctor,"I am not a doctor"which makes 
                                Donald Trump just criminal giving treatment without license. 


We’re Going to Have to Let Some People Die So the Stock Market Can Live--Donald Trump

Penal Code 2052 makes it a crime to conspire, aid, or abet another to practice medicine without a valid license or authorization. Knowingly referring patients or engaging in collaborative medical practices with unlicensed or unauthorized individuals can put you at risk of being charged with violating Penal Code 2052.    Trump "I am not a doctor".

H.R.649 - Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act of 2019116th Congress (2019-2020) | Get alerts

Over the past year, Biden’s position on China has undergone a tectonic shift as he takes a tougher stance on China’s human rights violation and strategic competition with the United States.
 Also, Biden was one of the first prominent U.S. politicians congratulating Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen on her re-election and inauguration.
Already Antony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, and the Donilion brothers, all prominent figures in the Obama administration, have been reported to have roles in the Biden campaign. Rice attacked Trump for benefiting China by revoking the sanction against ZTE and praising Xi for his coronavirus management to preserve the Phase One trade deal. She also criticized Trump for leaving behind a power vacuum in the international arena for China to fill by rupturing U.S. alliances and abandoning U.S. leadership in international institutions. Meanwhile,
 Until very recently, the general impression shared by many former officials under Democratic administrations was that China is a rising autocracy with increasingly aggressive behaviors, but not necessarily an enemy to the United States. In an open letter titled “China is Not an Enemy” published on July 3, 2019, around 100 former officials and scholars argued that Beijing is not an economic enemy or an existential national security threat to the United States that must be confronted in every sphere — despite China’s “troubling behavior” in recent years.
Rice said that U.S. moral leadership is being questioned as Trump stayed silent to China’s human rights violations. When commenting on John Bolton’s criticism of Trump’s position on China’s human rights abuses, former Deputy National Security Advisor to Vice President Ely Ratner noted that Trump’s approach to China involves “total disregard for human rights and the political motivation for the trade deal.”
President Trump has remained conspicuously silent on human rights, choosing instead to establish friendly relationships with a series of autocrats known for their human rights abuses.  

Donald Trump’s first meeting with Xi Jinping was all about business



How Putin Built a Ragtag Empire of Tyrants and Failing States