Forest fire

Trump : It will start getting cooler is not a policy as government authority.

  H.R.???? Underground  Shelter  support program for wildfire season and hurricanes in the USA. I am not sure. Bankers may be good place to stay.

 Fire melt aluminum wheels of cars

NASA has to be the worst for the design , It just stupid as shown above as real victims of fire.


According to the NOAA 2019 Global Climate Summary, the combined land and ocean temperature has increased at an average rate of 0.07°C (0.13°F) per decade since 1880; however, the average rate of increase since 1981 (0.18°C / 0.32°F) is more than twice as great.Aug 14, 2020


Drier Autumns Are Fueling Deadly California Wildfires

In a Q&A, California climate scientist Daniel Swain breaks down the influences on the state's devastating blazes and what the future could bring.

Rising Global Temperatures Influence California’s Fire Season


If it seems like California has been getting hit by more and larger fires lately, that's because it has. In 2017, California endured the Thomas Fire, the state’s largest fire (by area) at that time. One year later, the Mendocino Fire Complex took its place. In 2018, California also suffered its most destructive fire ever and set a new record for burned area in one year.

A study published in July 2019 shows these remarkable fire years are no longer freakish anomalies. They fit with a trend of more frequent and bigger fires. According to the researchers, the annual burned area across California has increased fivefold over the past five decades, and the main driver is higher temperatures.


California's wildfire season is running out of superlatives. The wildfires tearing across the state are breaking record after dismal record—most destructive, deadliest—with no sign of abating soon.

Daniel Swain, a climate scientist at UCLA and the National Center for Atmospheric Research, is among the scientists researching how the nature of how climate change can impact a fire—as heat sucks moisture from plants, rainfall patterns change, and winds drive fires in new ways.


 primary and secondary combustion. The process by which gases are released from wood and burned is called primary combustion. Primary combustion begins at about 540° F, continues toward 900° F and results in the release of a large amount of energy.Aug 20, 2014

 It does not looks like natural forest fire but military attack.

Fire eats through a building in Malden, Washington, this photo posted by the Whitman County Sheriff's Office shows.    september 2020,  only this struvcture is specifily targeted and trees near by are not burning from this scene....


Roll-out solar array technology will also permit very large arrays to be delivered to space for power-generation at larger distances to the sun.

The California city of Chico escaped the wrath of last month’s Camp Fire that destroyed communities 15 miles to the east. But now, it is facing the blaze’s economic fallout. 2018



A picture from sep 2020,  California fire cars and building structure mainly attacked with high temparature laser.........accouding to some people and FOX news.
